Stoneforged Masterwork or Coat of Arms would fantastic additions to this deck
Kaeto's game plan is to make scions to pump out ulamog or kozilek early for and keep ingesting the opponent so they can't do anything.
Hats off to you good sir for a wonderfully made theme deck. I really like it and I don't think I would care if you won or not with it. Definitely worth playing anyway.
That's cool
Ok what turn is the fastest you've won 1v1
Needs one dropsx but better. Plus it's not rude to state your opinion as long as you don't try to insult somebody.
This looks fun, is it casual or competitive?
Remove the copies of legendary you have you don't need 2 of each maybe sideboard them. Now you should look at shards, return to ravnica and theros for improvements.
So is this for casual or to be competitive cause I can't see this deck winning, or being fun to play.
One there are better eldrazi. Two eldrazi temple should not be in the sideboard.
Oh this is that eldrazi deck I was telling you about.
Nice addition
Nice oh and if you had the right setup you could add stonework dignitary to make sure your opponent never attacks you again. And an isochron sceptre with silence is also great.
I like this deck man and I see nothing wrong with it.
Drop the older slivers, add whatever you want with the artifact hivestone and your good.
This is true, but his cost is well worth putting him in there. Heck cost didn't stop me from building an eldrazi deck, without channel.
Hey if you had a felidar sovereign you could win through your lifegain
It's an artifact called hivestone
That's why you make everything a sliver
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