Thanks for the Wild Beastmaster advice. With the topic of only 17 creatures isn't a problem. I normally win turn 5-6. This comes down to not being the problem. Having that little extra burn in the mainboard finishes games. I also have 2 wildwood rebirths to grab my bloodrushes back.
Great deck, i just see problems with handling aggro. Sure you could use the staticasters, but I have played against a deck similar to this one. The problem is there are better aggro and blitz decks that hold up on high creature amounts. I drew several sample hands and a few times mulled to 3 to finally see the cyclops. The key is aggro is creature count. Yes the spells for the unblockable and pump ups help, there are just better approaches. Overall this deck is one kickass aggro budget, don't expect it to win many FNMs, but you may make your friends butt-hurt at your kitchen table.