
3 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

my biggest problem i think with this deck is the lands i think im streching it a bit to much yes there is 8 searchs but they do come with a cost (life) i can easly drop down to 15 on my first turn by going sack land, pain land into Thoughtseize (also so with dis in there as well thats a lot of life ) this isnt a combo deck, yes theres a side combo in there but its only a 1 out of 3 games you want to pop it thats just my point of veiw tho im not aiming to make this a poly deck just a bw tokens with a small chanage of package that can change the deck around and in turn after winning with a poly side it out for more of a control game which has won me a lot of games by tricking the other player into side boarding in extra to stop poly and or hold back crads for it which will harm there deck and game
the biggest problem i see with a lot of deck are they do belive that just because you run a colour in the deck there is room for all the great cards from that colour to go in there as well which isnt true all the time, and land with out knowing how to run the sack lands probly you do run into problems, a lot of poeple will say they know how and when to use it but unless your been playing with them a lot with in different decks from up to 6 to 8 sac and pain lands you cant really grasp how it can be more of a pain then a help (unless your running a combo deck whch in turn your life dosnt matter as long as the combo goes off as soon as possibe and you win)

Posted 14 March 2015 at 03:56 as a comment on BW Tokens (poly)


yeah only 3 there is a forth in the side board if needed, serum visions is a great card... but if im going to run it it will need to be a 4 of and that where the problem is, if i did 4 cards will have to come out and there isnt really ny cards i think could come out. but what would do you think?
sorry that i dont have a how to play or a deck description on here i will get around to it soon but the way i play the deck is just as a bw tokens deck, which dosnt have any blue. the polymorphs is just as you sed a alt win if its need which normaly dosnt come up and if it does every now and again it wins the game mostly ( or with the Windbrisk Heights ) but straight after that it gets side boarded out after that game (or as soon a they see im running the poly package ) due to the fact that they will normally side board in to stop it, hold off counter spells or just hold back removal for them which is at that point that i sideboard in the 4xTidehollow Sculler and a plus one vard depending on what im playing it changes the deck mostly from a token swarm/ combo ( which can be a win straight away ) in to a token control with 12 discard spells and normally a dissmember giving it 5x creature removal as well making it hard to vs with me being able to take out any cards out of your hand when needed removing any threats you can put out into making you have to deal with all the tokens swarming as well
sorry about the long message just want to explain a little how i normally run it... i would love to have serum in there byt i dont think theres just any real room for it and most of the deck is just trying to rush in to white for most of the cards witha little black for back up control i think having to spend a sack to get the blue just to play it migt slow me down from tokens or removal cards even move when i side out the poly package (4x poly 2x creatures ) that i really need to search up as quickly as i would need to do
but i would love to hear what you think tho

Posted 14 March 2015 at 03:34 in reply to #541502 on BW Tokens (poly)
