I Like this very much! xD
Saw the title and saw whats in it, and my mind just whent OoooOoooo! Lol
yeah, i'd figure that was the drawback lol that it wouldn't be a dragon deck anymore, but i like it how it is, maybe there's a few things out there that we haven't come across lol
edit: Mercurial Chemister
If you ta a look at my deck, milling to exile, a few main cards i would use would be Venser's journal, Psychosis crawler, Mindcrank, and maybe Jace's erasure. lol but Mercurial chemist would be amazing in this deck lol
I like it, i would wanna base a version around card advantage lol
Thanks, i really appreciate the critique, i'll try to find a way to slim it down, though i usually keep mindlock orb around to lock down some green decks lol I've added some things to the SB as an option to some things i have available. i want to add Magus of the Abyss and Ashnod's Transmogrant lol ;)
Milling all them exodia into the the waters Lmao
Name the deck, The Ocean's Grasp since it has some control to keep monsters at bay lol
I'd like to mention Suture Priest as part of the sideboard lol rather than soul attendant
Have you considered throwing in a couple of Mindcranks and Blightnings in there as a sideboard perhaps?
Thanks! i some a good third of those but i would find it difficult to bring out the mana for some high casting cost cards lol
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