You're righ but if I would buy it I would order them, and adding them to the deck here is so much work and it is not needed
really nice deck technique
It can not work, could it?
pretty cool deck. I like gruul technics.
it is auras are so fast, so funny, so easy and so winning strategy. Just blytiful
maybe tomb of spirit dragon
Ohh! such nice aura deck counter
Just nice, nice very NICE
Me too. add some Frontline Medic for extra indesctructibility (if it's bad written, sorry for spelling I'm czech dumb, - as czech people usually are), and Hanweir Militia Captain for extra tokens and finally Suture Priest is absolutly awesome.
I have naya aura deck. It isn't legal in standart but is really fut to play with and it's very fast and cheap too.
Lord of the Accursed, Tattered Mummy, Binding Mummy, Mummy Paramount, Unraveling Mummy,Unconventional Tactics, Time to Reflect.If you want life gain/drain I thin better is zombie-vampire deck. Some vampires supports zombies
abouth what? what kein of deck would you like?
Why plains? needs more Ochran Assassins.
nice name of deck
Thanks now I'm underestand. Nice deck then
I could watch the cards and read all the texts but I'm lazy, so what's the point
I love when people do the work with this format and search cards with similar theme and the deck works.Like for this.
As I said, this deck is so cool
Add Oak Street Innkeeper, gigantic growth or more of good cards thatare in this deck only once.I like elves this deck is so cool
What about paladium myr. Myrs are so amazing creatures.
1-20 of 79 items