This is all good points, thanks! The Seething Song is definitely a first card to side out. It's there because I was hoped for a turn 3 attack with Cryptborn Horror but it seems like it would be too magically christmaslandish. The main reason for Fling over Reckless Abandon is just because I didn't consider cards from blocks older than a Mirrodin block. Older cards are harder and harder to find and I definitely don't have many at hand. Ball Lightning and Hell's Thunder are kickass creatures, thanks for the tip.
Now this is true innovation. Keep up the good work!
It is a common affinity manabase: they use 15-16 lands 3-4 Springleaf Drums 3-4 Mox Opals Since i'm not running any 4-drops that should be enough but i may be wrong here because I haven't done the math myself. I like your knights deck a lot, i'm not a professional player so take my opinion with a grain of salt. What i see is that your deck a bit heavy on four-drops and since your deck is kind of aggro deck it may be a bit slow. Also indestructibility is a good thing but you exposed to things like terminus so this enchantment is very situational. But again i may be wrong here. Hope this helps.