i would suggest looking for red creature cards with the key words of "prowess" as you can go heavy into the burn theme of the deck.
You need to pact this deck with at least 4-6 more fetch lands. that way you can still ping down your life total.
that is fair. also with so many lands your buddy should get a tireless tracker....but i also love that card and am heavily biased
shadow of the grave with cards like Hazoret seems kind of undesired. maybe replace shadows with fatal pushes. Also Liliana, of the veil would be really good because of her discard ability.
are you trying to keep this budget or are you able to drop a little more $$$
im totally building this for my MTGO
and i also see that your mana base is a bit slow. I know they better lands can be $$$$ so if you are looking to help that mana base, maybe include 3 blood suns? that card also replaces itself in addition to letting your lands come in untapped.
if you have the ability to cards like duress and distress to cards like Inquisition of Kozolek and thoughtseize i would. they can grab a wide range of things and tend to be a little better.I also think that collective brutality, would be great in this deck because it can do so many strong things. If you are going against a creature heavy deck, you have an answer. burn, you have an answer.
this seems like a very powerful deck....like i might order the cards needed to build this. Dark Dwellers seems like this fringe good card. but in things like jund and this deck i can see it kicking serious ass.
oh and you need to add Aven Mindcensor.
i would replace the fumigate with settle the wreckage. because with avan mind censor you would hose there searches.
MTG goldfish had a few good ideas. however i think i will main board the nevermores. but questions is how many? also should i run more removal in place of the creatures? or just keep the disruption i have with tidehollow?
hmmm good point. you think mine board the nevermore and replace thrassa and erbos? I like Erebos because of his activated ability.
Actually upon further investigating, I found the card Nevermore. I figure if i SB 2 of those that should probably help me with a majority of those matches. what do you think?
Hmm well the only 2 cards that come to mind at the moment are Heroic Intervention (which i don't want to splash green if possible) or That Which Was Taken. I can also SB some counter spells, but i feel like those would take up valuable space.But i am definitely interested in any opinions or suggestions you have.
yeah i suppose i will SB some spreading seas. but i saw a spoiler card for an artifact coming in Dominaria, that totally hoses Tron. or at least dealys it.
seems very fitting your vampire conquistadors are riding white horses.....oddly flavorful.
swords to plowshares?
thought of using favorable winds?
hmmm still i think it would be a small price to pay if i could use smashers. I am a bit biased thought because i love that card.
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