Care to explain how you achieve your turn 1 loss ?
Very nicely done. One suggestion : Corrosive gale for SB.
No sideboard, no warcaller ,no trample effect, a useless enchant since you have nothing to ramp towards to. Harmonize when you could play lead the stampede. No */* elves, no protection at all (asceticism, vines of vastwood, etc), no anti air. The list goes on and on. I dont know which elf deck you saw that was butchered, but id love to see them. I'd love even more to see which deck you are beating with this one. My elf deck does 56 damage on turn 4 on a god hand. Yours is looking like 18 or so, possibly chump blockable, depending on elvish champ or no. For your sake, i hope you were trolling. Either way, i had a good laugh at your description
My advice would be to make this modern legal. You only have a few things that are not, which dont help all that much towards being usable in other formats. Vanguard, heedless and guidance can easily be replaced by 4 llanowars. The 2 spots used by promenade might serve you best with overwhelming stampede. Harmonize could be replaced by lead the stampede. Garruk Wildspeaker is pretty strong with elves for his +3+3 trample on his 2nd turn, although a bit slow.
Why contagion engine and not clasp ? its a lot cheaper to play in a semi slow deck. Besides that, everything seems tight.
Hope you dont run into Leyline of sanctity. Or any vintage deck for that matter. I guess it could work against standard deck, maybe. How do you manage to get your 3 counters on that bloodchief is beyond me though. No sign in blood or similar spells to get your 2 damage done ?
I drew around 30 sample hands before i got a 2 blazing hand. Might have too many 10 CMC creatures and not enough ways of getting shoals in your hand.
Man i wanna play against that deck !! So soft and cuddly and friendly =)
Since this is legacy, why not add some mox ? and why no darksteel citadel ? you dont need colored mana, and darksteel is indestructible. The rest looks good
You play vintage and expect people to play nice. Why not play a perfect storm at that point ? Ill admit it must have been fun to witness a turn 3 or 4 Elbrus transformed. Turn 3 or 4 is 2 or 3 turns too slow for vintage though.
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