My friends and I teamed up to make decks with certain rules. We had card and deck price limits, and were limited to a pre-selected two colours. I got white black, and this is the deck I came up with
Don't bad mouth a deck just because you're too dumb or poor for it. If you really can't afford it, print them off. That's what my friends and I do. Sure, they're not the real thing, but then you don't have to have a shit deck that uses shit land
Then don't spend money you don't have, and stay cheap. If people want to play a good deck, they'll spend the money. If they want a shit deck like you seem to want, then they'll buy shit useless land
That's just mean
Ah, just checked. Legal in everything but commander lol. Thanks!
Very good point! I think I'll take them out
Thanks, I'll substitute those
I'd rather keep cyclonic rift in. It gets everything at once as long as I have the mana
Good ideas, sakashima's a good one
Thanks, I'm working on a Faerie EDH deck with her as commander. I'm not too sure if I want her in this or not though, I'll see
Yes... And this is my first time back on lmao. Maybe I'll find some cool decks to get ideas from
Err mah gerd this deck is so dumm!! Flash is dumm!! u shuld use comman towr and al teh lotuss