I'm aware of the cards you mentioned but I'm not including them for these reasons:Nykthos is only decent in this deck because I don't have a lot of mana sinks to utilize the mana it generates. The only times where I need a lot of mana are for infinite combos that can produce infinite mana/tokens.Powerstone is worse than Monolith in this deck because you can net infinite colorless mana with it and Rings of Brighthearth by copying the untap activation. Shinka is fine but unless I pick it up in a trade I won't bother to get one since it's kind of unnecessary. Krenko doesn't really want to attack.Blood Moon and Stranglehold are both very good and all but I kind of want this deck to be less competitive and more all-in fun than some of my other decks. If I want to be disruptive, I'll play some other general. Though, I still may include Blood Moon at some point in the future just to combo with Goblin King as an added bonus.And I've never really been a fan of Dolmen Gate personally. Besides, these are goblins we're talking about here; they're completely expendable!Thanks for the input.
Yeah, I guess I never really liked Commander as much as everyone else. I know this is a bad argument, but he's kind of prone to getting killed more often that not. While this is true for most/all of my creatures, the mana you have to dump into him before he becomes relevant is a bit much for my liking when an opponent can just bolt in response after you've used all your mana for the turn. You don't want to end up in situations where turn 2/3 you play/vial him in end of turn, untap, invest all but one or two mana into him to level him up a couple of times and then he gets Abrupt Decayed or something. In those situations, I'd much rather play another threat. Commander is good in the late game so that's why he's still in as a one of. Tectonic Edge is awesome, though I am considering running one Ghost Quarter instead of one of the Edges as Ghost Quarter stops Tron more effectively. Land destruction is usually always awesome. In fact, the Trickbind in the sideboard is just kind of there because I love Stifle and couldn't live without it, haha. And Stifling a fetch land is the best. Uncounterable 2CMC Stifle will have to do. But now that I think about it, I should probably just be running Shadow of Doubt instead.Thanks for the input!
Depends on your meta, but Trickster is good in a lot of match-ups. Jund, UWR, Scapeshift, any Birthing Pod varient, or any deck with a lot of fetches like 5-color burn/domain. Being another one-drop Merfolk is nice too. I like this mix of 1CMC merfolk with the Cursecatchers. Unfortunately, Cursecatcher isn't as good in modern as he is in legacy due to the lack of Wastelands where you can really pressure your opponent's mana. That's why I'm running this mix between the two.
This is EDH, Talrand is the commander. Check the sideboard.
Still accepting jokes? A man walks into a bar and sees a man that looks like Adolph Hitler sitting at the end of the bar. He walks up to him and asks "Are you really Hitler?" The man stands up and says loudly, "Yes I am Adolph Hitler, I killed 6 million Jews and 1 Canadian." The man says, "Wait, why did you kill a Canadian?" Hitler says "See what I mean, no one cares about the jews."
Okay, I like the deck, BUT, what the hell are those Torpor Orbs doing in the sideboard? Those completely counter the entire concept of your deck...
Oh god Murphy, why?!
This deck on the front page with over 250 likes proves that this site has officially gone to hell.
Vexing Devil is a little too expensive for this joke format. Maybe if I had one just laying around I would, but sadly, I do not.
Bog Hoodlems, Mindless Null, Security Detail, Caregiver, Zepher Spirit, Scorching Spear, Favor of the Woods, Bountiful Harvest. I could go on...
Okay, so after play-testing over the weekend, I am really quite pleased with this current build. Runs very consistent, even if you don't hit all of your land drops (hell, I won one game with only two mana on the board the entire time). I've only lost once so far out of the dozen of so games I've played, but then again, this also wasn't in a super-competitive environment. I do think this deck can be a solid contender in a FNM setting though. We'll have to find out soon!
Oh yeah, that'd be a killer, haha. Speaking of awesome combos, I recently played a game where I turn one played the Tracker and turn two miracled into the Blessings of Nature! A 5/5 on turn two that can also attack that same turn is just too much for most decks to handle.
Yes, Primordial Hydra and Asceticism would be nuts, but I'm hesitant to put him in with just one Asceticism in there. For the most part I want my creatures to be huge as soon as they hit the field, with the exception of the indestructible Predator Ooze, so I can use them the fight other creatures immediately using Ulvenwald Tracker and Prey Upon. Hydra takes a couple of turns to really get going.
Please, quit spamming my decks.
Good point.
Needs more Llanowar Reborn.
Thank you!
Mistbind Clique as well.
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