what about retaliator griffin?
The Izzet Guild Mage Combo Is AWESOME. REALLY.
this is great advice unless you are playing EDH
You Cruel Cruel Boy. that is awesome.
yes i added mutagenic growth. i can get in like 26 damage. it awesome
You know, not one comment here is about how the deck actually works. Another thing? I DONT CARE. this deck is awesome.
Take out the riders, the frontier guide, the sylvan ranger, more lanowar elves. there are too many single cards, you cant develop a strategy with so much randomness. it needs alot of refinement. still. ELVES ARE AWESOME
way too many cards
what about algae gharial?
I put in some geosurges recently, and they are working brilliantly
Ummm.... why is grand architect in there? you dont have any atifacts.
darksteel myr for chump blocking
Corrupted conscience and linvala, keeper of silence. (super hot)
Chameleon colossus, and that island from Zendikar Or world wake, with the big bowls of water. (full art)
Or lys alana huntmaster? yes, it cost four, but with this deck, you can get 2nd turn, and lots of elves will come. Party! also, Nissa Revane. (mabye)
What about coat of arms? it could make your elves massive! ( I have a same type of deck and works great with coat of arms. it is reltively easy to get out thanks to druids and such , and is always a game changer)
Also,What about coat of arms? 20 creatures are myrs so coat of arms would work awesome!
What About myr turbine? and the leviathan basically makes your myrs useless. (except hovermyr)
21-39 of 39 items