I go into it a little more here https://phyrexianbrewingco.wordpress.com/2015/03/19/budget-modern-decks/
This is supposed to be a budget version for people who want to get into modern without an arm and a leg to start playing.
People don't see this deck as a huge deck to have sideboard cards for. Just dont cast your souls or soldiers without a pump spell on the battlefield and you should be good.
So after play testing I've found that I like lavamancer in the mainboard because it can do ALOT of damage and can do more than VD, also Ive looked at ingot chewer as a replacement for ancient grudge because it triggers VV. I like GS over way finder because it is instant aand you can bluff a AD and its really good for a murderous cut that I've put on the main board. Mutavault is a great idea, but once you play it you realise how much it strains your Mana base. I love all the feedback on the deck!
I just wanted to say thanks for all of the attention the deck is getting. You guys rock and I appreciate all of the comments! =]
I am running Pod and Hexproof currently. I am waiting for my cards to come in the mail and I will have every deck that is posted on my page. I really am looking forward to having this many choices. I am looking forward the most to the Zombievine deck that i made though, seems to be reallllllly explosive.
All great points =]
I actually made a list like that, it should be in my decks lol
Also I am going to add 1 tomb to the list when I paper build it.
I did forget to put bloodstained instead of marsh flats. And I do like the idea of faithless looting. I just loving vexing devil and then them taking 4, me casting a crawler, attack with a 4/3 troll and a vine with someone with a face like O_O
That deck does look sweet. I really am contemplating building it. Takes only a couple of cards to buy for me to make
Thanks man!
Updated the list on 7-23-14 to what I am actually running
I actually switched up the list and plan to change it shortly =]