
156 Decks, 19 Comments, 0 Reputation

yeah I thought about chained to the rocks, I just thought of the deck idea last name. I am going to playtest it for a bit before I build it for a fnm.

I will say
turn 1: land, monastery swiftspear, swing for 1
turn 2 : land, swing + artful manuever, swing for 4
turn 3: target swift spear, land, swiftspear < swing titan strength, swing for 9,
wild slash for 2

life total: 4 by end of turn 3, and this actual happens quite often

Posted 17 April 2015 at 15:35 in reply to #546089 on R/W Pumps


I have never played this deck at FNM so I am up for suggestions and appreciate it.

you think the god card is a little gimmicky?
what about having seeking of the way in the deck?

Posted 17 April 2015 at 13:25 in reply to #546020 on Jeskai Tokens FNM Help!!


how has this deck done for you when you play at your local meta?

How much does keranos, god storms help?

Posted 17 April 2015 at 13:25 as a comment on jeskai tokens post DTK


So I have been playing a Narset Control Burn deck and I have done quite well with it. One thing I would recommend would be is that you have to many dead cards if you play a narset, enlightened master. Her ability is so awesome and you don't want dead cards.

I use her to get free burn spells and planeswalkers out for free, I think card draw is crucial, so treasure cruise or dig through time is necessary. Token decks/ soldiers/ or mono red are hard matchups so I think a anger of the gods is a must or wild slash.

Here is my deck, I am open for suggestions, with new DTK cards this is what I am going to run.


I believe there could be a competitive deck built around Narset

Posted 19 March 2015 at 17:49 as a comment on Narset Control (DTK) (Retired)


I have played this deck at 2 fnms and I have gone 2-2 and 3-1, I have beat abzan with no problem every time and sulati control because i can out burn them. u/W soldier decks are a pain and r/w deck are too but win able situations.

I am up for suggestions to make it more competitive and I think I will be taking it to a tourney hopefully soon with the updates from Dragons of takir

Posted 18 March 2015 at 16:06 as a comment on Narset Control


yeah i will look into it, searing blood is very specific

Posted 09 March 2015 at 14:53 in reply to #540387 on R/W Midrage


yeah, i think if you use doom, you need to build around it i think

Posted 03 February 2015 at 17:23 in reply to #533571 on Mono Blue Artifacts


very cool, I really like the deck and looks fast. I top 8 twice at my FNM with a U/R artifact deck this last month by the same concept, but I would ramp out a doom engine with generator servant, then shrapnel blast the doom engine for the win basically

Posted 03 February 2015 at 15:18 as a comment on Mono Blue Artifacts
