seems like adaptive automaton and phyrexian metamorph would be awesome in this deck.
pauper....meaning commons only...
No. No.
Temple bell would be awesome, because once you dicard them they are going to simply play out their hand. Another spell that would be genius is Painful Quandry, because they will draw that one card and really want to play it, but can't discard so they will either take 5 or hold it, and if they hold it you discard it lol. Also an idea for the sideboard is marrow shards for fast aggro decks. Lifes finale is way too slow against kuldotha or hawkawrd, marrow shards gets the trick done quite well.
how has this deck been running on cockatrice?
Made some changes to the sideboard and the mainboard. Lashwrithe was much too powerful to be sideboarded, and I'm trying out Drana as a much needed 5 drop.
id drop some of the fiends or spitfires to make room for some pulse trackers, turn 1 tracker, turn 2 ascension and attack...
and if its not standard then why do you not have overrun?
drop might of oaks for preordain, and that other land for inkmoth nexus and you have a standard deck ready to roll.
ya the idea is early hand hate and creature control to protect those black fatties when they hit the board, gg.
for the sideboard i would suggest vapor snag instead of unsummon, even tho you are running infect why not right? and maybe putting some mental misteps in the sideboard, against black decks the are going to go for your combo by duress on turn one, a mental mistep would foil their plans.
i like this alot dude, i can see it smashing a ton of decks! something like this...
I think if you want to use Karn well you have to just forget his ultimate and use him as a control engine. I'm toying with the idea of a Karn version of RUG, gives you green ramp, blue draw/counter and red for those heavy aggro decks, a pyroclasm or slagstorm will solve your problems. You can also mix that with the approach that alot of ppl have done with tezz, artifact ramp and magnet control with black and red removal. either way, with karn you want to get him out at least by turn five, so you can still affect their hand size and get rid of any jaces, gideons, or swords that arein your way
question: if glissa was used as a commander, would you be able to use artifacts in the deck?
honor of the pure would be sweet, and id suggest dropping the steppe for a couple of emerias, late game emeria is awesome...
love to hate this deck and vice versa ;) what is the strat with mortarpods exactly? get them back with sun titan and emeria?
sleep could be a cool sideboard, and maybe some vines of vastwood?
I would suggest adding terramorphics or maybe some of the dual land to help getting a more consistent mana flow, other than that awesome deck!
i run a fun tezz deck like this. to deal with those black suns, i would throw in some stoic rebuttle's, they work like a charm.
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