when scars of mirrodin comes out you should put wurmcoil engine in there heres a link to the spoiler if you dont know any of these cards http://www.gatheringmagic.com/scars-of-mirrodin-spoilers-0249/
i see only one flay in ur deck if someonne had a elixer of immortality then i think that it might be smart to splash green for 4 naturalizes
u should put in some lanowar or birds of paradise and some awakining zones
what you should have in your deck are an Eye of Ugin (worldwake) an Awakining Zone (ROE) two Eldrazi Monuments (Zendikar) and some Eldrazi Temples (ROE)
Nissa Revane? Nissa's Chosen? Those are great with elf decks. I have 2 Nissa Revanes and 4 Nissa's Chosen in my deck rocks if you dont know what Nissa Revane does then find out