ah you trying to keep it at 15$ budget. Well its still on budget wise to most people think 20$ and less is usually budget deck but overall this deck is pretty good and fun.
restoration angel over Archaeomancer? same mana cost
Restoration Angel works here amazing and its budget still!
Rancor is only 2 buck each I believe.
Rancor!? This need Rancor! Rancor works pretty well during Umbra Mystic on the broad while it keeps your monster alive and you can keep bringing back rancor back to your hand and re enchant on monster to keep on whooping the opponents!
Yeah i understand about level card, it's a pain to pay the level up. But Yes Windbrisk Heights is crazy good & Honor of the Pure isn't that expensive I believe its like 4$ or less.
Well I had and old Minotaur Deck and it was pretty fun and might rebuild it again since they got new Minotaur!you can check out my old Minotaur deck :Dhttp://www.mtgvault.com/flashsamurai34/decks/cow-god-day-out/
I would Put Honor of the Pure over Crusade because you don't want to give opponent white a +1/+1.I would side Brave the Elements to protect your creatures since mostly is white.Why not throw in 1 or 2 Student of warfare such a good knight tale card.Add 4 Windbrisk Heights to speed up your creatures with hideaway ability and it can pack a surprise punch.
Yeah and I just add one of her. :)
Yeah I agree but Thalia Lieutenant would be another game changer same for Sigarda & Reflector mage.
Thanks bro and i don't really like to run Battle of Zendikar lands because i need 2 basic land to come in, if not it will be tapped which it will slow down my deck.
Ahh gotcha, i guess i will swap Sigarda over Odric
mmm But does Odric gives 1st strike no matter what? or I may be wrong
Thanks for your information sir, but I just wanted to build Human tribal deck in Standard and this deck isn't for competitive deck.
I really love human trial deck! what about Fiend Hunter!? - completely dust the wall pretty hardcore and maybe throw in some banishing priest to exile tons of wall to win!
Thanks for the feed back.Yeah I think mentor of the meek works well here and updated my deck.
Maybe throw in quicksilver amulet to bring Emrakul.
Thanks man!
Nice deck and i would throw some Kor bladewhirl since ally you get will have first strike while ankle shanker can give all your creature a death touch while they have first strike and I'm pretty sure opponent don't want to block those. :D It would be crazy with fire mantle mage opponent 2 creature has to block 1 death touch w/ first strike ally & both of his creature will die instantly :PCan you check out my ally deck?http://www.mtgvault.com/flashsamurai34/decks/gideons-life-death-allies/
Nice Allies you got there! Brutal horde chief never thought about that sir.Throw in Caves of Koilos since they are 1$ buck each.Check out my deck that has similer ideas but more on life gain and grave digging allieshttp://www.mtgvault.com/flashsamurai34/decks/gideons-life-death-allies/
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