Is this suppose to be a 'Rebel' deck or 'Soldier' deck?
"damage for cheap" ?! You got stuff that cost 5 mana. For a burn deck that ain't cheap. Take out some cards like 'fortune thief' and 'arc blade' and make room for "wheel of fortune". And sideboard the shattering spree.
How about a 'living lands' card to add fun?
And maybe put some 'draw' cards in.
Why not replace 'shock' with 'lightning bolt'? Reminisce is too slow, might as well replace with boomerang or something. Or possibly replace echoing truth with boomerang, and take out reminisce and put in 2 more lava darts. Think about this Circle ~Triangle
Aren't you missing some cards like 'consume spirit'?
thats what stone rains are for. and claws of gix