-Corrosive Gale (vs delver, tempered steel and delver spirits especially)
-Tezzeret's Gambit (vs control, can come out on turn 3, tick up a sphere of the suns or +1/+1 counter or strangleroot geist, or even a poison counter from inkmoth nexus [even potentially, Karn]; and draws 2)
-Melira (can be GSZ'd for, good against infect and BSZ)
-Creeping Corrosion (vs tempered steel... not much else)
-Elixir of immortality (vs RDW and glacial control decks)
-Tracker's Instincts (works well w/ counterlash and makes sure you always have threats in hand +value with the flashback; means you can keep more hands)
-Wall of Tanglecord (sub for strangleroot when their deck wins the race?)
-Crushing Vines (vs delver and equipment/fliers in general)
-Memory's Journey ( good vs any graveyard/reanimator/zombie/undying deck, and good vs flashback/snapcaster stuff too)
-Dungeon Geists (vs aggro decks)
-Karn (to go 'over the top' vs other ramp decks, and good potentially vs control decks?)
-Blighsteel Colossus (can be cheated into play countering a creature or artifact w/ counterlash, goes over the top vs other ramp, and can't be dealt with except by exile removal vs control)
-Autumn's Veil (vs UB control, vapour snag, dismember etc. and any countermagic)
-Phantasmal Image (can copy a titan in mirror, or after you ramp to one, works as legendary removal vs thrun, thalia, geist of saint traft etc.)
-Bone to Ash (vs any creature based deck, you can get card advantage.. especially a turn 4 play against other ramp decks)
-Nephalia Seakite (vs delver, can mess up combat for geist of st. traft, snapcaster and can trade with delver, or can just be played in opponent's end step as a good follow up to turn 2 geist turn 3 elder, on turn 4)
-Tracker's Instincts (fits the colours perfectly, works well with counterlash, especially with a 2nd 2drop ramp on turn 3, plays makes sure you never run out of threats, especially with the flashback)
-Memory's Journey (good 1-of against decks that revolve around the graveyard, can bring back titans and keep fuel in the deck later on, works well with tracker's instincts)
-Mana Leak (good vs aggro decks, good vs other ramp decks)
-Wurmcoil Engine (more threats in the mirror)
vs ramp
out- 4geists, 3elders, (1thrun 1slime)
in- 4trackers instincts, 3metamorph, (1slime, 1metamorph)
vs control
out- 3solemn
in- 2thrun, 1elder
vs aggro
vs delver
out- 2solemn, 4sphere, 4prime titan
in- 2thrun, 1elder, 3birds, 4phyrexian metamorph
vs UW Humans
vs RDW