yah. i dont have all the cards for any of the decks i have. but i love just designing them and gettin feedback to see how i did. i only started playing in march so im working on gettin better at making decks.
yah. it just kinda does fun things. the other one is all like punch you in the junk til ur dead. this one is like oh lets have fun and do like 200 different things. :p
ill take a look at it.
dragons make me happy. theyre easily my favorite. unfortunately they dont fair well in 1v1. at least not how i play them. :p
yah. i usually play in big groups where fast aggro decks rnt very effective. so i figured a slow aggro deck would be ok. and dragons r just awesome in general. idk if u wanna check out my 5 color dragon deck and tell me wut u think. im definitely building one of the 2 but idk which i want more. this one i think is better but i just like the diversity in the other. also the other is cheaper. :p
the braid of fire is only meant for the amulet but i know. and its not really competitive. just kind of a fun deck to play with friends. but ill check those out for sure.
ah. thats right. my bad.
whispersilk cloak would work well for that too.
im sry. u said noble. i was thinking captain. ur right.
the way i use stromkirk is just to power up my other vampires. i dont use him to swing at all. but i guess if it works for u. different ideas like this keep the game fresh. :)
then you could say "how unexpected" XD
instead of gift of orzhova you could use urge to feed. itll power up ur vampires and since alot of them already fly or have lifelink it seems alittle redundant to use. idk thats just my thoughts.
just brainstorming here but maybe try adding some scry into the deck so you can see if youll morph into somethin decent. my personal favorite card is intet the dreamer and i like to scry for his ability so i dont run into land or some small guy.
this looks like it could be ok. does it do more than just try to get out slumbering dragon and use simic to put counters onto him?
i also think u could use some of the mechanics in mine to either make urs better or at least change it up if ur buddys r ragin at ur deck. :p
check out my wither deck. its alot different but i think you'll appreciate it from the way this deck works.
yah. i own 2 decks. iv prolly made 20 of them in the last month and a half. so i know wut u mean. XD
yah. its a great idea for a fun deck dont get me wrong. i just wanna see if itd be decent competitively.
im interested in knowing how fast he can get the door off with this. it seems like a great idea.
the deck idea is such a dick move... I LOVE IT!!! u inspired me to make a non standard one to play with my friends. also this deck runs the colors of land i used for my first deck which is why i decided to look at it in the first place. :p
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