
2 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I pulled both of them from a random lot of 100 standard rares from I think I got like 3 of each or something and I just traded for 1 of each to complete the playsets.

Posted 17 October 2010 at 19:57 in reply to #93387 on Giganto-Genesis


It doesn't match up well at all against aggro decks or anything that runs a lot of quick creature removal, but it develops so quickly that it can easily outpace any of those.

This would actually work somewhat well against a control deck because of how quickly you can drop creatures and pump spells - a control deck would run out of counters/mana long before I run out of creatures or pump spells to drop. It's kind of like playing legacy suiblack against control.

I'm not absolutely sure about adding a finisher, chances are if the game goes past turn 6 it's gg for me, although with 4x BoP in there I could conceivably sub in 2 Garruks or even 2 Putrefax.

Posted 17 October 2010 at 15:07 in reply to #93365 on G/B Tiny Infectors
