Also only 3 Death Clouds because in my experience you don't really want them in multiples every game but you still want to draw one. 3 is a decent number for that.
I was intending it for mostly casual play and Liliana is a bit out of my price range for casual. Hymn and therapy are super cheap and my friends don't mind so we play some legacy cards. This is what It would look like for modern.
Oh also you could remove the 3 renegade wheelsmith and add another bomat courier and then 2 daredevil dragsters.
keeping it RW is fine because it adds consistency, and I would think about altogether removing the dreadnought's, and replacing them with a more aggro vehicle or go up to 4 of your others. Then you could cut down on the start your engines or siege modifications. Inventor's apprentice seem's a good shout, maybe bomat courier too. So overall I would say -3 dreadnought -4 siege modifications -2 start your engines +1 aethersphere harvester +1 fleetwheel cruiser +4 shock +3 bomat courier.
You could go mardu for a splash of fatal push or other removal but as is I would add some shocks to help clear the board earlier on. Some of the cards such as start your engines and siege modification aren't helpful if you're losing, they only help you win more, so maybe replace those. The gideon is a nice idea that gives an aggro deck more late game but is probably more meta related than anything. Maybe start it in the sideboard.
True. Ironically Kor Skyfisher would combo well with Kor Outfitter but I like the high equipment count + captain's claws makes kor.
I like the Kor Aeronaut idea. I've found the Kor Skyfisher can be a bit of a tempo disadvantage because there's nothing we're really looking to bounce. I think for evasion vault skirge is an option.
thanks, I looked at a couple of puresteel paladin decks and they'd constantly talk about armament master but how that needed its own deck so this is it
Fulminator mage is good against some decks in modern.
Ashenmoor gouger is very good. I like geralf's messenger more however because it stays on the battlefield which contributes to devotion and even if they kill it with removal it gives you card advantage because they had to use 2 cards to kill 1 card of yours.
Definitely great for casual lol
Haha. Can I get a like btw? Trying to generate more discussion around the black devotion archetype as I think it could be a really strong deck.
Its desecrated earth I think? Yeah its possible.
lol no problem there is a deck (or was a deck, not sure) that used a bunch of insane all swamp mana cost creature + 1 or 2 gray merchants and played a midrange insane removal/ gray merchant for the win deck. It looked pretty sweet.
Just added gatekeepers. Phyrexian obliterator's are insane for this deck but they cost a lot and I'm trying to keep it on a budget. I could make the version I'd use in modern no budget if you'd like. The cards I consider usable in modern would be bloodsoaked champion, maybe lifebane against the right deck (very good against GW Aggro obviously), gray merchant, and maybe desecration demon although its very bad against token and creature aggro decks.
Thanks for the comments, but this is more just a post thing of what I would play at the kitchen table and I'm trying to keep it on a budget. If it wasn't budget i'd play bloodghasts and gatekeepers
Right but all the cards in your hand are good after the start because lands are sacs to pack rats, bloodsoaked champions are stickable threats, gray merchant is good if you have board state and blocks a lot of stuff etc., herald of torments are bestowable, desecration demon is always a good draw, and so is removal. I agree though, a card like knight of the white orchid in black would make black devotion such a strong deck. It has solid 1 drops, 3 drops, desecration demon/erebos, and gray merchants at the bigger slots but the 2 drop isn't a good slot. I suppose it has removal but it'd be better to just get strong devotion on board with a good body. Bloodghast is the best but they're expensive.
That is a good idea. It would also make the gray merchants more of a valid card to build around and still let you keep the black aggro shell with gray merchant.
yeah altar's reap is a great card for this deck. Its kinda tight fitting all the pieces of this deck together though because you've got sacrifice outlets, ways to gain control of their stuff, and things you can sacrifice from your own board. My main ideas for card advantage were grim haruspex and vampiric rites. I should put vampiric rites in the sideboard.
If I did play an erebos it would be against control decks where drawing the extra cards helps you keep card advantage.
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