
5 Decks, 15 Comments, 0 Reputation

Hold the fucking phone. No Knight Exemplar in a knight deck? FAIL.

Posted 11 August 2010 at 20:11 as a comment on m11 knights


Hmm... there is a lot of stuff that giver you protection from *insert color here*. Maybe throw in some cards that prevent damage, or maybe even hold the line to make your opponents mad? Just an idea I had, but other than that, this deck is very cool. I really like the idea. Keep up the good work!

Posted 28 March 2010 at 19:19 as a comment on Mono W Soldier Protection deck


This deck needs an overhaul. The fact of the matter is the deck is too large, card quantities are wrong for certain cards, and there is a way you can keep the three colors while thinning this deck down and making it more playable. First of all, tuktuk grunts is an awful card for an ally deck since it costs too much for its low power and toughness. Though it can power up and does have Haste, cards like Oran-Rief Survivalist can get bigger much faster due to thier lower mana cost. Needless to say, add 3 more Survivalists. Next, you'll want to remove your non-ally cards. I run non ally's in my deck (specifically Broodmate Elf for extra speed) because the help make my deck move quicker. The non ally cards in this deck do nothing to help the deck in the long run (Save retaliator griffin), so just take them out to thin down the deck. Joraga bard is a good ally in this deck, but highland berserker and his ability to grant first strike trump the need for a vigilance user. So put the bard in a sideboard and swap in some berserker.

There are many other things you can do to fix the deck that I noticed, but I feel like you can figure them out while reworking this deck. Your idea is solid, so keep up the good work!

Posted 28 March 2010 at 19:03 as a comment on Marshall's Ally Deck


This deck is very good. Keep up the good work!

Posted 28 March 2010 at 18:36 as a comment on Vampires


I actually am making a deck like this right now. I've found that offensive Ally's like Survivalist and animist don't really help the stall portion of the deck all to much. Also, think about adding Seaside Citadel since it produces all the colors the deck needs. Kabira Evangel is fine, but maybe think about replacing it with Makindi Shieldmate. Hada Freeblade is great also, so add one more of him. Finally, consider adding Seagate Loremaster, since he can refill your hand if your are starving for ally's. Other than that, this deck looks pretty dang good. Keep up the good work!

Posted 27 March 2010 at 19:43 as a comment on Ally mill (feel free to comment)
