
12 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

I hate mills decks with a passion but here is my advise for this,

Whip of Erebos is a huge threat in standard, I run 1 main board and 2 sideboard in my Devotion Black Deck because of the Mill Decks at my FNM. You are way too focused on Phenax here, every deck out there is going to have ways to get rid/dealing with him, Green has Unravel Aether, Blue will Bounce/Counter, Black will kill everything, etc. I would make a choice between "Wall of Front" and "Hovering Barrier" and put in some tome Scours for Turn 1. Agree with above comment on taking dissolve out for Psychic Strike.

The Good, Ashiok is a beast, aggravates the crap out of me every time i play it, Consuming is super scary, if you can get a large enough one out against green decks you win.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 19:28 as a comment on Mill to Kill


Sideboard Doom Blade in case you find a random artifact deck

Posted 12 February 2014 at 01:40 as a comment on Modern Mono-Black


I like this idea but I need a defense against drown in sorrow

Posted 12 February 2014 at 01:28 as a comment on Purphoros Burn


I have two concerns, you have a high mana curve and are only playing 20 lands which will make it very hard to drop consistently I would run Legion Loyalist instead of Gideon, because as it stands there are no turn one drops, and take out Gleam of Battle and 1 of the Assemble the Legions for Sacred Foundaries.

Also maybe Sideboard Glimpse of the Sun God from BoG for a finisher.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 01:13 in reply to #415641 on Burning Plains


Im not that Great with Modern and budget decks, do you have standard or edh decks?

I will take under consideration taking call of the conclave out maybe for gods willing or brave the elements, I added my sideboard. Boon Satyr is run in most green aggro decks right now though and I want to see how he is, maybe I will put in Loxodon Smiter.

Posted 09 February 2014 at 23:14 in reply to #436066 on Standard Selesnya Aggro


It really isnt a token deck for the most part, Wurm and Boon Satyr are drops at the end of the opponents turn to swing in next turn, I wanted more of a pure Aggro deck at will beat someone turn 5 if they are playing mid-range.

Ajani is in there for the kill shot because a 5/5 Flying Wurm with Double Strike and Trample is pretty scary

Posted 09 February 2014 at 18:14 in reply to #436066 on Standard Selesnya Aggro
