correction, i notice that this is not, in fact an edh deck, but it is very close. maybe you should consider making the conversion, it would instantly turn this into a much more competitive deck. you're about 15 cards short. Rubinia would make a good general/commander for you, even if you never play her. also consider cytoplast manipulator.
this looks really fun. i'm sure if we were playing on the same board with our edh decks, then everyone else at the table would be thoroughly annoyed with having to keep up with everything. lol contagion engine would go a long way in this deck, but if youre worried about drawing aggression, then contagion clasp would also work well. proliferate is just a great way to make counters more powerful.
The mana costs in this deck are pretty high for only 20 lands, I'd say remove high seas. (everything you have costs too much to deal with an upkeep cost. Although it seems nice to have a little of everything, all these singles in this deck are going to make the deck very inconsistent. It'll be like one deck the first game, and will look totally different the next. If thats what you're going for, then keep it. It is refreshing to see someone else use blue for beatdown though. good luck! I hope this deck wins for you a bunch!
Is there a reason that you are not using playlets? It can really help your decks consistency if you had playsets
If you want to have a good blocker, you could try fog bank.
There are 12creatures in the deck if you include ichorclaw. I had a few more in there, but it seemed to be slowing me down a bit. Maybe a set of necropedes would help.
just awesome!