Yeah. I've been testing Arcane laboratory as well for some choke, and the few games I've gotten it out it eats a removal spell the next turn or completely locks the game. You may wanna try it out, but I'm still on the fence for the laboratory.
I played Nekusar and tried to get Sire of Insanity to work and I never really liked it. Its just completely contradictory to windfall effects (though my deck does have more of those than yours) and Viseling / Black Vise / Owl etc. I also really like bloodchief ascension in the deck. Drop it with Nekusar out, its active by your next turn, then you drop a wheel.I personally run a lot of artifact ramp and less single target spells (like cruel ultimatum) so I can Nekusar + Wheel on the same turn generally turn 5 or 6. I just feel (though I've never actually tested a high single target spell count) that being able to get online a few turns earlier is worth dropping stuff like Blighting, Cruel Ultimatum, even Browbeat. A few of your creatures feel a bit underwhelming (like runed servitor) and I'd personally drop those for mana rocks. Or maybe Snapcaster. I also love winds of change. Going first and playing that turn 1 is basically everyone mulligan (only do this if you have a crap 5 other cards, which has happened).Elder Mastery and Helm of the Ghastlord are broken on Nekusar.also vivid lands are bad. I also love the artifact lands + molten psyche. I never realized I could do that. Then again I run enough rocks it isn't really necessary for me.Temple Bell + Mind over Matter to draw everyone out.
Your welcome :)If you don't like mystic snake there is also Draining Whelk. I dunno, I'm a huge fan of getting dead-eye + an etb counterspell or venser. Only issue with these is they don't do anything with Roon, closet, or even Mistmeadow. Which is also why I love creature tutors. My meta has a very high amount of spot removal and boardwipes, so I go with fewer creatures so that I have spots for tutors for the ones I absolutely need and protection to make sure they resolve and can stick to make an impact. I also have a question - was the lack of Tooth and Nail and Palinchron intentional to prevent going infinite? Tooth and Nail for Dead-eye and Palinchron give you infinite mana (you can also infinite mana with Palinchron and a Phantasmal Image, or just palinchron and a karoo land) and then you can use every ETB trigger indefinitely with Dead-eye (bounce dead-eye to soulbond him to someone else after you've gotten infinite mana). This is one of the main win-cons of my own deck (those 2 + venser or sylvan or acidic slime etc.).
Whats your plan against Torpor Orb?One of the best tricks with Roon is, due to his vigilance and trample, you can exile a blocker with his ability and get commander damage in. This leads to a very powerful voltron subtheme. I would personally have 2-3 swords, a Jitte, and a Stoneforge Mystic, possibly a Stonehewer giant. This is a strong contingency plan if ETB isn't working.Seriously, how do you intend to deal with Torpor Orb? You have a single counter and no removal that isn't ETB based. Krosan Grip / Beast Within are amazing (and Return to Dust).Furthermore, it doesn't look like this is a budget deck. Why no tutors to add consistency? Quite a lot of these ETB effects are second tier, and I'd rather use those slots for tutors to get the better ETBs or the specific ones you need in bad situations? Fauna Shaman / Survival of the Fittest / Sylvan Tutor / Wordly Tutor.Banisher Priest over Fiend Hunter? You can blink the Fiend Hunter with Mistmeadow or Roon in response to the ETB trigger to permanently exile one creature and temporarily exile another (for the same mana cost + the ability) (since he leaves play before the exile trigger resolves).You have very few activated abilities, but 4 slots devoted to them. I understand Roon's ability is a central focus, but because it returns at the end of the turn it can be very limited. Honestly, I'd rather run Seedborn Muse / Prophet of Kruphix so that you can abuse ETB every turn. Also, sometimes you only have a single good ETB to reuse (at least in my playgroup, boardwipes and spot removal are extremely prevalent, and so creatures have a hard time sticking for much longer than a few turns).As a creature based ETB deck, where in the world is Deadeye Navigator, Venser Shaper Savant, and Mystic Snake.Now, depending on how boardwipe heavy / creature-removal heavy your meta is, more counterspells or Avacyn may be a good idea for protection.
Is Lord of Atlantis legal in modern? I googled it and one site said it was, and another site said it wasn't, and then I looked up the sets it was in and it wasn't in the list on the mtg website thats legal for modern. or maybe i'm blind, but i'm confused now.