Fugim, Thanks for the link. I see that we have similar ideas about the overall concept, and you definitely had a couple suggestions I hadn't thought of, namely Ancient Stirrings. That's a quick way for me to search for my LMs, or a land and keep my ramp up. You also mentioned the Replicas, which i added a week back or so once i found out the Viridian Revels didn't really count. I hadn't thought of the life staff though, that's something I might consider as well. My main goal with this version of the LM deck is to prevent myself from running out of ways to kill off artifacts, and Mimic Vat was definitely my main choice. The idea that i could get Scrapmelters in on demand for only 3 mana. My version is definitely more burn than creatures, which is why I shied away from the jorgas and the Slimes (I'm also trying to keep the deck as "new", SOM only, as possible). I've done some decent testing, and the deck held up and beat a Quest-WW deck (Argentum Armor, Sword of Body and Mind, etc). Pyroclasms were definitely huge there. Right now, I'm considering switching out the spellbombs, 1 Bolt, and 1 naturalize for 3 Stirrings and 3 Slice in Twains.
How much play-testing have you done with the deck using very little in the ways of control? i did one myself using a little more control and access to trying to get the level up counters for free. I'm curious if we can both find something in our decks for mutual improvement! http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=117803
Absolutely. It's one of the most satisfying synergies out there.
Really?, I'd definitely get rid of them if so. Gatherer didn't have a ruling for the card, anyone else know if this is the case?
@Tambornegro: I think that was why i went against the Galvanic Blasts. The only artifacts I'm going to have permanently in play are Liquimetals and Mimic Vats. The odds I'm going to have 3 out in the early game didn't seem to outweigh the possibly of that extra 1 damage. That's why I initially slotted that space for Lightning Bolts. @magsato: That's basically the idea. If the combo goes off early enough, i can keep my opponent from having any permanents by limiting land as well. Effectively, i think the most common win condition for me is a combination of burn plus the Liquimetal + (naturalize, sacrificing creatures) opening up a path for my dragons to fly in without any chance at repercussions.
I had, I wasn't sure if it was worth the mana cost. I'm definitely wavering on the Viridian Revels, and could see adding a couple Relic Crushes in for those just for some extra punch.
How do you feel about Reverberates? It seems like your deck has three win conditions: 1. Burn them to death quickly with damage 2. Hoard-Smelter beat down. 3. Destroy so many artifacts(or things you make artifacts) that you end up with superior card advantage. Switching some Reverberates in for those arc-trails could help extend some of your burning ability, and even being able to double up on the naturalize if you're facing a deck that keep pumping out artifacts at an alarming rate, or if your Liquimetals are working overtime and you can start wiping two two permanents easily.
Any reason for avoiding the synergy with Metalcraft? While I know you're going to be sacrificing your own artifacts in addition to attacking your opponents, it would seem like with 21 available artifacts, you can have the Metalcraft option available to you. Some considerations I can think of: 1. Maybe some Galvanic Blasts in your SB as some added burn? 2. Ancient Stirrings will let you so search for colorless cards(includes land), that way you can get Liquimetals quickly. Overall, I think the deck is a fantastic idea!
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