Personally, I would trim out the Thronweld Archers completely and increase Talara's Batallion, Wren's Run Vanquisher, and Imperious Perfect to four each. As for Gleeful Sabotage and Soul Reap, they are definitely sideboard material. As far as land is concerned, remove the Vivid lands and toss in what govtgeek advised.
I don't understand why you've put Vivid Grove into a mono-green deck. Also, Imperious Perfect is a must as said above.
I think Elvish Champion, as stated above, is too risky to run main deck. Definitely sideboard for games where you don't anticipate playing against another elf deck. Perhaps you could put Wilt-Leaf Liege in its place? You pay an extra mana (with the mana acceleration you're running this shouldn't be an issue), but don't risk pumping someone else's deck, plus it will benefit your Safehold Elites and Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers that much more. Otherwise, it's a pretty solid deck.