
65 Decks, 19 Comments, 0 Reputation

Archmage ascension is garbage as far as im concerned. I tried making way too many decks using it and none works. As for draw cards. Mysteries of the deep into the roil spreading seas (even if only 2 mainboard) elvish visionary and sphinx of lost truths, which can both be played multiple times with nultread. Then Jace's brainstorm ability.

Posted 14 February 2010 at 22:14 as a comment on UG Draw City


Sphinx of Jwar isle is the big wincon, aside from that Jace is a win condition all on his own. Gather Specimens is amazing against alot of cards. Stealing BSA, the tokens after a martial coup. Bloodbraid+whatever it cascades into. ect ectect

Posted 14 February 2010 at 22:12 as a comment on MUC


i do know that the deck is almost entirely control, but with all the creature control there, i really dont see the lack of creatures being a problem. with 7 removal spells that hit multiple creatures, burn spells, and the amount of draw this has the potential for. I dont think it will be a problem.

I dont think any game this deck plays will be a quick game, but that overall i think it will do rather well. I'm actually testing it later tonight with a buddy of mine, and with our card pool we can create just about any deck being played in tournaments. So we shall see how it does.

Posted 09 February 2010 at 00:46 as a comment on America Control


i do know that the deck is almost entirely control, but with all the creature control there, i really dont see the lack of creatures being a problem. with 7 removal spells that hit multiple creatures, burn spells, and the amount of draw this has the potential for. I dont think it will be a problem.

I dont think any game this deck plays will be a quick game, but that overall i think it will do rather well. I'm actually testing it later tonight with a buddy of mine, and with our card pool we can create just about any deck being played in tournaments. So we shall see how it does.

Posted 09 February 2010 at 00:27 as a comment on America Control


nvm i see, the only card that benefits from it is scapeshift

Posted 08 February 2010 at 23:24 as a comment on Super Sick Landfall


also, why are you using amulet of vigor with no lands that come into play tapped?

Posted 08 February 2010 at 23:24 as a comment on Super Sick Landfall


I just made one of these tonight myself.


compare notes? O_o

Posted 08 February 2010 at 23:18 as a comment on All American Controll


Sideboard bloodghast for control decks. He's the only vampire that you can always rely on for this combo.

Posted 07 February 2010 at 18:05 as a comment on 1 shot combo that could be consistent


id recomend a few primal bellow, the card is absolutely broken in a mono green deck (+/+ for each forrest u control)

Posted 31 December 2009 at 17:49 as a comment on green


Guts has a good point, i would take out celestial purge flash into the roil,

put in mindbreaks instead of flashfreeze (just to avoid cascading into them) if you really want to bump up your cascade throw in the enchantment for 4 mana /w cascade, then use sceptor of dominace /w day of judgement. world queller can be used, but i wouldnt recomend it. /w luminarch on the board it doesnt matter if you day of judgement your angels, you make more every turn regardless.

Posted 31 December 2009 at 17:45 as a comment on anti-jund maybe


a friend of mine plays an on nix deck that uses red for control. it looks something like this.

4xkalani heart expedition
4xelvish visionary
4xoracle of mul daya
4x lightning bolt
4x ob nix
3x fireball
4xred expedition for the elemental

its a long ways off from your deck, but it works very well, even against boros decks being able to turn 4 lavalanch for 4 can be very potent. especially with lightning bolts to deal with creatutes on turns 1 and 2

Posted 27 December 2009 at 15:33 as a comment on Ob Nixilis Deck PLEASE RATE AND HELP!!!


IMO try to work in 4 ardeant plea. with it being a 3 mana cascade (and exalted bonus can be nice) it could be very usefull, not to mention with mesa on the board, that could be 3 mana 2 enchantments (2 draw)

Posted 19 December 2009 at 19:48 as a comment on Spreading enchantress


definitly swap bloodghasts and goblin guides when available. also swap savage lands for dragonskull summits when avail. maybe even 2-3 of the zendikar uncommon red blacks if you are having mana problems. or even adding another land or 2. Should your budget increase id even say toss in some tapsack lands, and running grim discovery. You'll risk bringing your life down pretty low early game, but not drawing land lategame in a deck with as low of a mana curve as this is important.

PS: bloodchief ascension+burning inquiry= win games

Posted 12 December 2009 at 15:30 as a comment on Blightning! Made changes! (Howling Mine, took out some creatures!)


also, bloodchief ascensions, are like megrims... sure they take time to build up, but once the 3 counters are on them, they are significantly better. should you decide to run blightnings in this deck as well, please consider them.

Posted 05 December 2009 at 18:54 as a comment on My friend's standard deck (HELP)!!!!


4 glory of warfare seems a little much especially with 4 honor of the pure as well. on a good draw this deck could be brutal, but the other games look like they could wind up with playing some enchantments here, some control there, but ultimately nothing to win the game, id take out either 1-2 glory, or 1 glory and 1 honor, probably drop harms way out entirely, and throw in some more creatures, preferably 1-2 captian of the watch, and... maybe kor aeronaught for some flying, and a 4th elite vanguard.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 20:46 as a comment on W/R Soldier T2 (Comment please)


biggest problem with clone, is that i could poly into one rather than progen, which is why i prefer the rites of replication.

Posted 21 October 2009 at 17:42 as a comment on Blue Control Polymorph


usually i would run the hideous ends because under normal circumstances it works with 4/5 colors. However with the deck types in t2 right now i couldnt see myself mainboarding it in a tourny. i did consider it for my sideboard though, maybe i can replace the durress', but i would prefer not to.

Posted 21 October 2009 at 17:41 as a comment on T2 Vamp Assault


I suggest the Heart Expedition from Zen to replace your greenweavers. Mostly because with lotus cobra and harrows, you can very, very quickly establish enough mana to pull baneslayer on fourth turn. Granted it does serve as a great target for L bolts if you have both cobra and greenweaver in hand, but overall a better play in my own opinian.

Posted 18 October 2009 at 19:10 as a comment on My Attempt at Control
