After a while I decided to cut Renowed Weavers as they hardly ever are usefull - I use my mana more often to cast spells drawn outta eidolon and Ranowed just sits there taking a slot in a deck. I also cut 2 fonts as they also do little unfortunately. They are good on turn 2 if I dont have Caryatids but later they just sit there useless. Would prefer to have threats instead so i added Satyrs and a random Primeval Bounty for a Dictate (not as good without Weavers) Also 2 Mana Blooms for 2 Fonts to test out. Im thinking hard where to squeeze Connections here cause i love it but didnt figure it out yet.. For 1 Extinquish? Extingish didnt do much good for me yet but i decided to keep it for now. 20 lands also seem not efficient enough.. ehh maybe 22 is neccesary?
After few matches I decided to cut Grim Guardians (seemd low impact and clunky) and one Courser (drawin in multiples is akward) and put 4 Kruphix's Insight instead... Card draw seems good.
Yeah, I dont know man this deck doesnt look like it needs fast removal in a core, maybe we can board it in aggro matchups? Im thinking about raising the number of Coursers to 4 cause they are great. I dont know about the whip it seems clunky... Unfortunately not much for this deck from JOU not counting the temples, which i added.