yup. this is certainly a defensive deck. being a long time control player. using deathtouch and blockers and removal early game and smartly using duress before dropping your wincons, merchant/corrupt, win games. the early game harassment of contamnated ground and side board possession will provide you merchant devotion. you just gotta know when to play your cards and be smart about keeping track of where your life stand for maximun effectiveness. idk if you play a lot of control but life is a very useful resource to sacrifice to play mind games against your enemies. :)
Thanks for the input tho the cards you mentioned doesnt really work with how deck the runs I think. The desecrator hag is too big for this deck without any other advantage aside from getting a merchant. the one-off Ghostcaller can take care of that. for just 1 mana, it can recycle 2 merchants. Viscera Seer is not a big card advantage but Ill try it out. Id want to keep my cards tho for devotion. Qarsi's 1/3 is a blocker against most early game aggros. Tragic Slip is too situational
yup. I will be adding a side in a sec. thank you for the input! :)