Rather then do specifics I'll do one better, I'm making my wife's marchesa, I'll post the link, ignore the creatures since my theme is different, but look at the instants/sorceries and supporting card draw mana stuff.
To start thank you for introducing me to Planar Gate, please lock your home and car forever...for people will be hunting you down when I abuse that card in commander, the artifact side of the deck is pretty solid, please take it with a grain of salt when I say this deck is far from competitive in group or single matches. Without instants or sorceries, sufficient draw power, counter magic or general answer cards you are just begging to be shut down. What could you do against my artifact deck that prides itself on board wiping every 2-3 turns, what could you do with spot removal and grave hate? What is Marchesa was shuffled into your deck? There are no answers for any of the innumerous things that people do during the course of a 4-way game or aggressive dual match, for that reason this deck should be revised drastically.
I am FK hear me roar.
Made me a mean Boros deck from the Mono red Dragon maze world tour model, I'll compare decks once I get home. Flying from MS to AK....3 stops, 19 hours total with lay overs =x
Type your deck name...@ chainers, you should make that deck, Id like to see how it would look!
One of these days I've got to play you in a few games of Mtg. Only way to settle this =p
The odds of you holding more then 1 swords of plowshares in a game is so unlikely. every game I just about cast 2 pacts and one spell and exile them, I never said I exile them from my hand. Also just removing my first turn hammer does not earn you the game. I have many ways to still slaugter you.
You ....are.....brilliant....CHANGE MADE MAHAHHAHHA
New one added this morning, this one is more to your liking. Elemental Pact II
Thank you! When I saw him at the local comic shop people treated him with disgust, Exile spells thats horrible they said...within a month he was in hte 0.75 cent Bin. I toke a close look at him and realized the powerhouse this card could be and yeah... 7-9 damage in anyones face on turn 2 is ... breathtaking. With proper creature control only creature removal can deal with him and if thats the case I have other cards or burn to finish the job.
lol its not illegal unless you are playing in a sanctioned DCI or WoTC tourn. You are allowed to have any amount of 4x copy cards in your deck ranging from 40 cards onward provided you can shuffle all of it at once unassisted. Those are just basic rules. It's not cheating they are just OP, like many cards in MTG.
Normal decks have 12-15 creatures. I have 8 creature detention spells. That leaves 4-7 creatures vs. 8 of mine. Its a fair shake... my ground guy has trample and sword is a flying token. Both are beyond sizeable and hard to deal with.
I concede on soul warden...but that being said it has multiple aves to win, this deck is a FUN deck based on a LOVE for a magic card. The fang can easily be played and you can tech. have two..errr ish. You remove one to play the token and then play another sword and equip it to the token. This deck will not hold up to an agress infect/weenie deck. This deck is for the one bazillion other types.
Ok 15 card side card. 4-6 of them dedicated to one-two mana red artifact destroy. Not a big deal. Sides I havent seen that card since 2004 aside whats been rotting in my rare collection.
I never claimed these for any tourn. format. This deck is legal for any home play-house rule setting. But no worries I am posting a legacy legal version later on today.
hehe 22 games so far, its only lost 1 once so far. =D This is going to be my beatdown and team vamp deck. I'm working on the perfect mono black one right now!
True it is turn 3 and yeah I guess for constructed play it does need to be 60. So I made the change. I wanna leave the hellrider because he has finished opponents for me already. So turn one, drop Kirk, Two Madcap Swing. They take 4. Turn 3 2 mana vampire and one mana Furor. Swing. Thats 7 turn two. Taking them down to 9 on turn 3 which is amazing.
I'll take a closer look at it tonight. Im in class right now for the military. Looks promising!
fair enough, figured I'd offer =D
Right, not changing that...ermm.... picture this. You want to use fang to slaughter right? It might be easier to show you, I'll remake this deck my way and you can tell me what you think. Gimme 15 mins.
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