Thats exactly it, most infinite combos are useless unless you can get it off, but as Viagrasaurusrex said, the disruption/removal package does a lot of work in that regard. Allows it to be early, or potential late. But I can see how it is hard to imagine getting it all.
Deatils on how the deck runs, as well as how to trigger combo is now on here.
I'll pose couple ways to play the deck out when im off work!
The Crypt Ghast and Heartless Summoning, are actually in the deck to allow for multiple ways to ensure early enough win. Crypt Ghast and Heartless makes it so that with 3 mana, you can both cast crypt champion, and bitter ordeal without having to go to late turns.
Why not Axebane Guardian? Addsx mana in ANY COMBINATION, where X is number of defenders you control.