Try adding cards to the maindeck part of this is difficult to see what your cards do when i have to look for each one....other than that i guess it is a pretty good deck although it doesnt seem very FUN, elves have been done a trillion times over.
I think it is pretty nice...i am having problems facing a kaldra deck right now....very good equipment...makes mean monsters meaner and even summons an extremely powerful creature....i kinda agree with Anubis, make it a normal equip deck, but do it completely different than everyone else.
So if this site is a load of crap posters and people who don't take this game seriously...what site can i find a good amount of help with my deck?
I own four of each Mox card....i have collected since this game came did my "Father" (quotes because he wasn't my real father) I also have 2 black Lotus' 3 Wheel of Fortunes and 6 ancestral recal... And i still have them...i am in no way rich....and i have no intention of selling them. (Rate and comment my vampire deck...Vampires Unleashed)
Cool it is is under 110 bucks...but so is my Vampire deck (Check it out...please help me) All i would suggest is MORE ANGELS......get the low costing ones....decree of justice, Angel of mercy, Shining angel...stuff like that...
Help me with my "not Completely original " Vampire themed deck...Vampires Unleashed
ood idea for a deck...i came up with it last night but it looks like someone beat me to it....Aren't Nephilims Half-Human Half-Angels?
ahh i see...but that is all my skeletons...the all regenerate...Lim-dul is supposed to be a "LICH" and his high Guards have first strike....
I've never been much of a fan of Aurochs...they smelly....but this deck seems pretty does need mana acceleration...(it's green , that is what it is for) Maybe a few strong spells? Stampede(i think is the name) and Strength in numbers, Overwhelm also. 7/10
What do you mean Regenerating Freakshows?(my vampire deck)
I LIKE IT!!!! Check out my vampires unleashed has been getting lonely and i have no idea where to go with it now....i actually want to play it in my local tournaments
My "MING" says, Not another elf deck.....but i say yaaaay there are some of us left....we should congregate in the middle of a forest or something.. Nice looking deck but how does it play? Hrrmmm -Darren-
Intersting...How do you win?
To just play...i guess, get out Samurais and attempt to beat down an opponent?
Add Underworld dreams..then they lose life bt drawing as well
Lovely..simply Lovely
The cards ARE there....they are hiding....they are ninja they stick to the shadows like the cowards that they are.....The Gorgonites.
No BAron? Are you Insane? need the Baron. nice idea check my vampires unleahed deck out
Just to clear up my previous....does Team blocking work? you know how many creatures can block a single creature?
Interesting idea...i love it....Question is group blocking done?
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