Thanks Ayden! I'll check it out right now.
How exactly does this deck work? Trying to figure out the combo. I feel dumb :/
Thanks! V.3 of this deck will be mono black and rely heavily on the Blood Artists, Sacrificing, & Undying. Here are some of the cards I got today! 3x Hex Parasite 3x Blood Artists 2x Demonic Taskmaster 3x Blood Seeker 3x Go for the Throat 2x Bloodline Keeper
Not really trying to. This is mostly just to play my few other friends who have cards who are pretty new to the game as well.
Updated the deck slightly, added some new creatures. Finally won with my new build!
Shopped around for some cards today. I'm really liking the way this build is headed. Going to start a little combo with Hex Parasite, Blood Artist, & Demonic Taskmaster. Also get extra creatures in there with a few Bloodline Keepers!
Those are some good cards! Before I posted here I had already been looking at cards like Go for the Throat and Doom Blade. Quick question though does Black Sun's Zenith put counters on all the creatures on the field or just my own?
Yeah preferably I'd like an all black deck, but when looking at it most black cards almost seem useless compared to some of my fire creatures that really pack a punch or a low costing enough to get a good spell in there like fling. Which is why they are included in the deck for now.
Wow thanks for all the advice! Yeah There isn't really a "Point" to my deck. This deck is mostly made up of cards from one of the new Black/Red intro packs they have for sale right now. Mostly my deck regenerates cards. They die and then come back to the field but It dosen't matter since they are all low level creatures I can never seem to do enough damage to my opponents who are always gaining life with their green or white decks.