
33 Decks, 190 Comments, 26 Reputation

ahhh gotcha. its kewl tho. i like the challenge. i just dont wanna wind up costing you more cash then needed cuz i am having fun with it and not paying attention to $$ so if anything is too pricey let me know and i can take another stab.
also i dont pay attention to tournament quality decks and cant garuntee every/ any you could play in a tourney.

as for experience i just started playing magic a few months ago. its all pretty new to me as well xD

i will try to look at a deck a day/night for yah. this deck actually makes me wanna try soulbond/wurm out

Posted 14 June 2012 at 05:23 as a comment on Blue Green Soulbonding Combo


Sooooo this deck set up gave me a challenge as to where to go. I had narrowed it down to either aggro or a mill. I went aggro since the cards u have in ur summary to keep work with it.

Also. I had fun with it and made it a hydra aggrieve so I don't know if this really helps you..

4 birds of paradise
3 dun elder
3 llanowar elves
2 primordial hydra
2 protean hydra
2 khalni hydra
2 shieldmate
2 geist trap
2 nightshade
2 wolfir silverheart

>something for counter?
2 growth
2 over run

2 arcane melee

Play with the numbers. And add the ones u listed to keep. Heck you may be able to make this mono green and it would run smoother for what I have done to it. Then u could kick the birds and swap it for another g mana pulled like the elves to get the hydra's out quicker.

This is just a quick thought of where this could go, your gonna have to work with it a lot still most likely. But its a starting direction ...

Btw. Where the heck r did u get all these jumbled decks?

Posted 13 June 2012 at 15:55 as a comment on Blue Green Soulbonding Combo


I may add it when I buy deck and see how it works.... but right n now he just has to eat like 3 goblins and who ever I'm facing is toast if one of each of my enchants is out.

Yet yours is a good back up plan xP
ill look at ur decks tonight and see if I can help you out.
do you have specific plans for any of them?

Posted 12 June 2012 at 16:59 in reply to #263729 on The three B's-Goblin style


Thnx for the idea...I'm quite new to mtg so I miss what most see as obvious...

Also would either you look at my other decks that haven't gotten comments? I'm kinda surprised this got more hits than some of those, but that is probably my favoritism for the other ideas. This was just hey ytf not deck lol

Posted 12 June 2012 at 15:51 in reply to #263748 on Knights of Norn


i have something similar on here. i like your twist on feeding dragons.

if u look at mine is the goblin.stew.surprise

Posted 12 June 2012 at 09:34 as a comment on Dragon Devour Deck


sweet deal.

i have a goblin deck twist if you would care to take a peek at it. you may be interested. its cheap and once all the cards play out properly it is amazing

Posted 11 June 2012 at 05:28 as a comment on Goblins FTW


At first glance no...I dabble in counters of wither and infect tho so your deck intrigues me greatly. I will think about it and post anything if I come to a conclusion

Posted 05 June 2012 at 17:26 in reply to #261761 on Darksteel Proliferate


love this infinite counters and practical insta win!

makes me kinda wanna build this ...

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:53 as a comment on Darksteel Proliferate


thats the idea of it

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:45 as a comment on Counter Dragons!


Nice deck. one of those annoy the hell out your opponent then rape plays. I like it!

The only wish you could have is that ur dragons dont bunch at the bottom...

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:44 as a comment on Counter Dragons!


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