I like my decks. ^.^ I've made a mix of themed decks and power decks. My newest EDH deck is pretty unique. I don't know how many people have done anything like that.
I have no idea. I've never played anywhere else. :PI do suppose that they are pretty good. We have like 8-10 average players and at least 5 of them have won tournaments, 3 of them have won numerous. So, I suppose they are pretty good, yeah.
I know, but he's nice, too. I need him so I can have my 100 cards! :D
I've never used it, no. :(I'm not that good. I'm very average.
My Arcbound Crusher hasn't shown up yet. >: (
Yeah. I just tried playing it. its not as awesome as I anticipated.
JessssiiieeeWe should play MTGO. ^.^
It's really more of a burn deck... >.>
I'm one card short of having this deck entirely complete, and then I get to test it out! :3
With the combo, this deck could win on turn four. Reliably? Probably not.
In many cases, yes. And what's wrong with that? :P
Not really counterproductive, because as soon as Bloodchief is capped and Mindcrank is down, the opponent loses. So, doesn't matter how much life they have.
Hmmm... the frequency of having all those cards in your opening hand reliably would be fairly low. So, I'd say that it may not be a huge deal anyway, the mindcrank won't be as useful until he can put down Bloodchief Ascension, anyway. I'd see holding the mindcrank back until I have the proper set-up. But that's me.
Think so?I think Shred-freak's 2/1 with haste is superior to Cackler's 1/1 or unleashed 2/2 with no blocking.
Maybe dreadbore instead of Murder? Gets rid of planeswalkers, even if it is R/B. Vexing Devil over Rakdos Cackler? Since you don't have any land fetchers, Dragonskull Summit might be preferable to the shockland? Don't necessarily have to damage yourself then as long as you have at least one basic land down.
I suppose it is always possible to hard summon them.
:PRight. Hmm..Let's see... to make it better...Master of Etherium
Master of Etherion could be pretty cool. You have enough artifacts to make him pretty beefy for a 3CMC.IF you did, a couple Pentavus could really be handy. Sac their counters and make a bunch of Pentavites to give MoE a ton of boostage. And you should totally like my EDH deck. I want it to go hot page. :D
Just stick her in there. No one will know! >:D
Is she? Hah. I use her in an EDH deck, so its all good.
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