Putting Druid's Call in to put on your Squirrel Mob would be pretty funny to see. :3 I HIT IT AND MORE JUST FALL OUT
Awesome theme! :D
I noticed you don't have any way to make your opponent draw cards; my own deck had a lot of problems when inevitably they'd run out of cards in their hand making my cards pretty much useless. Of course you have a bit of backup with 3 creatures, your PW, and Bloodchief Ascension but you may want to consider adding in cards like the Cephalids from Odyssey to make them draw. It helped my deck out a ton. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=31020
I don't really see the point of this deck. Megrim and some of the creatures/spells make me think discard but there are much better cards. Some of the creatures make me think Merfolk beatdown but you have so few . . .
Seems like it'd be particularly slow; there are some stalling cards like Holy Day and Ghostly Prison but even with an extra upkeep that seems like it'd take forever to deck them. The other problem I tend to have with "discard to mill" decks is that they get to have the cards in their hand before they discard them so you're effectively giving them ammunition against you. Also, if you're just doing casual play you may want to put in a Spellbook or Library of Leng so you're not having to discard your own cards.
I can't tell if this is a Mill deck or not?
Perhaps a bit of counterspell action to deal with assholes like me that run with False Cure? :D
But then I'd just have to sac it to Innocent Blood.
But if (s)he took out Painter's Servant Grindstone wouldn't be an infinite grind. Painter's Servant + Grindstone > Hedron Crab by a longshot. Only real issue I can see is one I've run into: Fast decks. Ideally you can infinite grind turn 4 with Servant and Grindstone but that's three turns for weenie swarm decks or possibly more with a poor draw. My main issue with my milling deck is control of things that are already on the field. Perhaps if this becomes a problem for you you can put in more milling creatures. My deck is still in progress but it's got a good bit of milling creatures: http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=31041
Other than making it more likely to actually draw one having 4 Traumatizes is a waste. Assuming you're against a 60 card deck you'll probably get about 20 cards on the first Traumatize, then if you can pull another immediately it's only 10, then another would only be 5, then 2 cards. Seems to me that you could probably cut one or two in exchange for another creature like Scalpelexis or something along those lines.
Have you considered having heavier library destruction like Traumatize? And if you wanted to bring some black back in I've found Traumatize + Haunting Echoes to be an amazing combination. Either way, very impressive control. :)
Awesome idea, I'd not heard of Underworld Dreams. Thanks for the tip.