SHOCKS!!!!!!!! instead of guildgates
blood artist would be perfect in this deck you have a lot of sac or kill in this deck
Hallowed fountain over the glacial fortress because you can fetch out hallowed fountain and not glacial fortress. why do you have scrub land in there you have no black
therefore cant be exiled from isochron scepter
i dont need the extra turn to win. blind obedience is a enchantment not an instant
mana bloom is another viable option
u dont have to but u r so close to be making it standard why not go all the way
it makes gorgons faster then turn 6 or 8
also cant be countered
it hits everything artifacts like ratchet bomb, engineered explosive etc...
First make it standard second take out murder for abrupt decay it works so much better then murder, next put in shocks and take out guildgates gorgons are not fast you need all the speed you can get.
if you have consume sprit in there you should think about adding lilliana of the dark realms b/c she ramps you
i would add 2 sacred foundries and 4 chained to the rocks
no, this gruul deck
i didnt like it vary much i turned it into a naya deck
Thank you for your input.
I would put in pack rat because all the copies of pack rat have the mana symbols which adds to your devotion. And if you add pack rat take out 4 swamps or 2 and put in mutavault's they add to the power and toughness to pack rat.