
1 Deck, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

although i just realised that would turn it into a myr token flood deck, especially if you also added 4 master's call

Posted 16 March 2012 at 03:29 as a comment on pure myr


This is less of a pure myr and more of a m(yr)ana pump deck.

You should perhaps consider adding spells with X values based around mana cost, in total you have a total of 31 to infinite mana in this deck, between the Gold, Silver & Palladium Myrs allong with the Galvanizer you could effectively never run out of mana so long as you have 2 Galvanizers out with any combination of the (> effects on them.

Honestly it looks half built with only fabricate being in your spell list, it would do you great to make this an 80 card deck by adding in a further 20 supporting spells (or artifacts with the X mana cost).

I do understand the tactics you will be running with this deck, and I am actually just about to buy a variation of it, it is by far one of the most effective "barebones" decks I have seen regarding Myr on MTGvault.

However I would personally add in a few Myr Sire Aswell as a few Myr Battlesphere, which would then give even more myr to add for using the Myr Turbine second ability or even use said turbine to bring out the Battlesphere, creating an effective nasty and awesome Myr combo deck.

Posted 16 March 2012 at 03:15 as a comment on pure myr


At first glance, this deck appears clumsy, after careful evaluation if you can pull out 3/5 land cards in your fisrt 4 turns (including the draw) i can see how this could be a devastating deck, however i would never play it myself.

Posted 16 March 2012 at 03:03 as a comment on Darksteel Platinum


You should think about sticking Myr Galvanizer so that you can make the most of the Palladium Myr's ability, givining you an infinite mana cycle, to quickly pump oout the rest of your cards.

This is especially useful if you then stick in anything with an X value where X is a mana cost, leaving you able to produce infinite mana easily oblitterating your opponent (and pis*ing them off in the process).

Posted 16 March 2012 at 02:58 as a comment on Fast Artifacts
