I guess, this is more of a fun deck though.
Win faster then they can deal damage. This deck is a fun casual deck anyways.
This is my take on a deck like that. http://www.mtgvault.com/extertionist/decks/the-pinnacle-of-victory/
Helix Pinnacle win. Could use Heartbeat Of The Spring and Rites Of Flourishing to major mana ramp.
Maybe this deck would actually win if you weren't using gates. The gates severely slow this deck down.
Good idea.
I hope it would. I usually post ideas I have for decks on here. I think this deck could work because I would force my opponents to divide their forces to deal with the planeswalkers. Not to mention many of the planeswalkers could slow them down enough or me to take deadly action against them. Though more or less it's meant as a fun deck meant to use all the planeswalkers.
In the test hand I got on turn 4 or 5 I had infinite mana, a massive army of myr tokens, and every myr from that deck on the battlefield. In case you're wondering. I had two mana myrs, two Galvanizers, two genesis chambers, a Myr Battlesphere, and a Myr Turbine to pull off that combo and flood the field with myrs.
I got the idea for it when I made weenie budget deck for casual play and after I realized it had a surprising win record for a deck with only a couple rares in it. So know I'm testing out idea for where to take this kind of deck for standard play.
No that you mention it. Arbor Elf would be much better because of Heartbeat of the Spring.
I mean thought.
Bloody hell, just when I though I finished.
I am honored.
This deck is built to swarm fast and hard and kill before you have to deal with something that only a thoctar can deal with.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Why do you have Arid Mesa? It serves no purpose other than to drain your life and don't give me that crap that's it's to shuffle your deck cause you're not using any cards that would benefit you to shuffle.
replace pillar of flame with Lightning Bolt. Also ditch Rune Snag if you want it to be legal.
Can I recommend Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist, or Butcher Ghoul?
This is deliciously evil.
May I suggest Mox Lotus because if you get that out while Pinnacle is on the field you win.
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