
4 Decks, 10 Comments, 2 Reputation

I had that in an early versions of this, but ultimately went with Mind Unbound because of the Paradox Hazes and Venser's Journals. I had a couple of each of those out in a few games and wound up getting like 20 life per turn. Reality Strobe lets me bounce the Unbounds back to my hand so I don't accidentally mill myself to death, too. Ancestral Recall would let me draw more cards early in the game, but since a lot of the junk in this deck is kind of expensive, anyway, it really just resulted in my packing my hand with cards I couldn't use. I thought about switching the Time Walks out for them, too, but for one more mana, I get a new card, a new upkeep, and all the other stuff that comes with a new turn. Especially if I get them mid-to-late game and have some other cards in suspension.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 06:16 in reply to #337277 on Chronomancy


Holy crap! I'm gonna sideboard that for every deck I run! EVERY... DECK... I... RUN!!!

And the more I run this deck as it is, the more things I realize it's pretty good at keeping at bay. I don't have to worry about Blood Artists, Stuffy Dolls, or any of that other weird crap people like to run. It IS garbage against creatureless decks, more or less. But every build has a drawback.

Posted 30 March 2013 at 18:49 in reply to #337145 on Underwhelming Stampede


Thank you! I don't really mess with the formats and legality and whatnot, but you are absolutely correct. Especially the land stuff. I have no idea what to replace the ones I have with, though. With this deck, I'd almost say it's easier to just cut the rest of my white cards and make it mono-blue, though I will definitely feel that Chronomantic Escape's absence.

Posted 30 March 2013 at 07:47 in reply to #337141 on Chronomancy


Nah! This is good! Leveler comes in when you already have a bunch of sacable creatures in play. It takes your library out of play and then you just start popping everything, which then goes to your empty library instead of the graveyard. Every turn you draw a new creature that you can sac to destroy an enchantment. Rinse and repeat and use Leveler to keep pounding away at your opponent while your anti-enchant stuff and Enchanted Evening keeps popping holes in their diminishing forces. I like it!

Posted 16 February 2013 at 22:42 in reply to #76739 on Level the Wheel


It's a deck built out of a bunch of cheap little white creatures. Or at least that is my understanding.

Posted 15 February 2013 at 21:20 in reply to #323982 on mega weenie!!!


Plus, if someone was wise to your plan and countered Grapeshot, you'd take a bit of mana burn if you were generating mana with the loop solely to pump up your storm count. Banefire can't be countered, but if you had to use something like Blaze or those other counterable cards that do the same thing, then at least you'd be spared the aftermath.

Posted 17 November 2012 at 01:20 in reply to #304444 on Purple Nurple


Banefire? It'd go pretty swell with your infinite mana combo, wouldn't necessarily have to rely on Storm, and it can't be countered. I have no idea if it's like... "legal" or whatever. I don't keep up with that stuff as a casual player, but I'm pretty sure if that isn't the card, then there's something LIKE it that you could also use.

Posted 17 November 2012 at 01:16 as a comment on Purple Nurple


Is this Groot now?

Posted 31 October 2012 at 09:00 as a comment on Timber!


That IS why it's so expensive! :D If this deck works okay and I want to buy it, I'll look in to switching out some of those expensive-as-hell dual lands. Thanks for the advice! I'm gonna give this deck a test tonight and see how the 20 lands works out. I usually run 20 in my giant, awkward decks and GENERALLY do okay (we all have our bad draws).

And Phantasmal Image was concidered, but I had two problems with it. 1) It dies if it gets enchanted or whatnot and I have like no defense against that in here unless my opponent does and 2) even if I got around that, I wouldn't have a way to change it into a better creature should one arrive. Everyone else in here can refresh during my upkeep or as part of an activated ability, so if anybody gets some 15/15 wurm out, I'm not stuck with a copy of their Llanowar Elves I snagged because it was the only other thing out when Image was in my hand.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 20:56 in reply to #299093 on I Drink Your Milkshake


Holy crap! This deck is EXPENSIVE!

Posted 24 October 2012 at 20:21 as a comment on I Drink Your Milkshake
