Thanks ^^ makes me wanna revamp this and see if I can squeeze them in
Thanks, didn't know about that.
Fantastic recommendation. Working it in now.
Actually, that's a fantastic idea. Kinda feel retarded for not realizing it earlier lol. Thanks.
Well shit lol. I'll have to fix that.
I was thinking the same thing myself, but unfortunately this poor kid only has so much to work with.
Wow, thanks :D that's awesome.
Hmm. All really good ideas ^^ If i make a version two of this i'll definitely throw some ramp in there.
Well damn. Oh well, least I gave it a shot.
Wow, all really good suggestions. I usually don't do this, but I might just have to go with all of those x.x Thank you.
"celestial fortress" doesn't exist lol. I'm gonna assume you mean Glacial Fortress. Putting that in would require shaving off some of the basic lands, and running into the problem of them coming out tapped. Same with the other one. I know several players use them to great advantage, but I prefer to keep a solid basic mana base due to their reliability. Thanks for the suggestions though ^-^
Oh wow, I didn't even see that lol. My bad.
If i was going for red draw browbeat wouldn't be my first choice. Putting in something to take advantage of their landlessness could be a good idea though
Oh, but how awesome that would be...
The more comments I get, the more dragonstorm seems like a damned good idea. I'm thinking of swapping out the brightstone rituals for it.
Mucho lawls, might just do that. The storm would go crazy if I ramped to it.
Thanks for the tip ^^. I've played kilnmouth in most of my red decks and yes, he's a bombshell. I wanted a little diversity for the fun of it though. If I try to make the deck more serious, I'd go for more of him for sure.
Thanks for the tip. I'm going for mono-green with this one, but if i decide to throw in more colors I'll definitely keep Rage Forger in mind.
Hey...this shit looks familiar...
I'm done tweaking this one for now. In the future I'll get around to making a more efficient deck. This was just a first time shot at an Artifact deck.
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