Sky spirit is pretty sweet card, first strike and deathtouch/lifelink would be a killer. I'm wondering if this deck would benefit from some Doomed Travelers that would also be a good candidate for basilisk collar. This would also give you more creatures to use Moorland Haunt on. I'm wondering if you need that many Drogskol Reavers though. Lets say you have 2 out at a time (which I have done with my spirit deck via Phantasmal Image) the issue of milling yourself to death becomes a very real prospect (drawing 5 cards in a turn if you attack with both)
also in regards to elixir, I originally agreed with you, but its not about the life gain, its about the fact that there is zero reclaim in this deck and it is useful in a game where I have been milled or lost a lot of spirits and I want a reset button.
Yeah the lands are something I have definitely been keeping an eye out for. Isolated chapel would be nice but they have been expensive. They might go down in price soon though with the lingering souls/Intangible virtue banning for tournaments.
The major hole I see in this deck is the complete lack of fliers (aside from spirit tokens). I'm wondering if you should cut down on the amount of land in this deck. Normally I wouldn't suggest this but the vast majority of your deck (only 6 cards total) cost over 3 mana. That aside, you might consider Intangible virtue with the number of tokens that you should be producing with this deck. I couldn't tell you how many times Fiend Hunter has saved my bacon by removing that one critical creature that your opponent has, he should be in the main deck hands-down. Elite Vanguard is an awesome card, but I'm wondering if the slots that it is taking up would be better used for some later game stuff. You already have tons of 1 drops but if you still want to keep a 1 drop I feel like Selfless Cathar would be a better choice. Something like Angelic Overseer or Dearly Departed might stick with the flavor of the deck even though they are not humans (strictly speaking). Finally, Geist-Honored Monk. Get it if you can. Your deck is about putting creatures on the field (which buffs this card) and this creates a couple of flying chump blocks that your deck is lacking.
Cut Gatstaf Shepard imo, Intimidate is ok but quite frankly have a playset of Full Moon's Rise is more important, especially considering that you have no options for bringing creatures back from the graveyard. Why wouldn't you sub Wolfbitten Captive // Krallenhorde Killer for Reckless Waif? They are both 1 drops but Wolfbitten is infinitely better. Put. Huntmaster. In. You aren't always going to have an Immerwolf out (people machine gun them down) and for 4 converted mana you might as well take advantage of what it has to offer when they flip your werewolves. Also, don't listen to the comment about Asceticism. It protects your wolves in more than one way. First the obvious way (destroy target creature) so that your strikers aren't being doombladed. Second it specifically keeps Immerwolf alive in the same way. Live Immerwolf = Mayor is always producing tokens that are at least 4/4 at the end of every turn, oh and if you need to block with a creature? Regenerate (see my above comment about Full Moon's Rise). Finally, even if you don't have an Immerwolf out, it limits what kinds of spells your opponent can cast (therefore limiting their ability to cast 2 spells in a turn). Well worth 5 mana imo, and I use 2 just like you have there. I haven't played with The sword (as I don't have one) but I like it in this deck with trample, I play far more casually so I threw in Master of the Wild Hunt and it is one hell of a fun card to play with wolf tokens.
Honestly, take out thrummingbird. You can sometimes get a free proliferate or two out of it early game, however beyond that it has proved itself to be next to useless because it actually has to hit the player to work. You're better off with Viral Drake as a flier. Also, Throne of Geth+Core Prowler, get it.