have you tired using any of the creatures with persist abilities, also Power conduit would work great cause you can remove the counters from your creatures so they keepin coming back into play whenever they die
I dont see how this would let you keep taking extra turns, on a card that states take an extra turn after this one shouldn't you only be allowed to take 1 extra turn no matter how many times its duplicated since your playing them all on the same turn. They should cancel each other out or something I don't really know how it works tho
what about Demigod of revenge, buried alive works well with that card
thx for commenting on my deck ill have to add some of those cards. Ever think about using Channel? it could pretty much be a 2 turn win if you got it and emrakul in your starting hand
looks good Edric, Spymaster of Trest might help pump your Lorescale up
this deck looks really fun to play! check out my Best multiplayer deck its pretty kool even tho it has the dreaded illegal cards in it
If any cards should be illegal its those damn slivers!
yes i thought about that but i dont really know what to take out
id go with Bonerific
what about some urza incubators
seething song works well with dragonstorm also
nice mabey throw in some darksteel citadels for you liches
Also im seeing a turn 3 win and no turn 2 win here as is. As it would take at least 2 mountains to cast a blazing shoal, or a lightning bolt and a fling plus a swamp for the dark ritual?
Nice Idea. I have a deck that doesn't win on turn 2 but completely stops the opponent from playing any spells. Altho it basically gives me a win check my deck out (Pain in da A$$)
cause if u can get iona out and painter servant on 2nd turn u can just sit back and relax while u build an army to take out or foes works great in multiplayer games
looks like u have everything but the painter's servant i would highly recommend that u put him in here just for that combo
Heres a Combo I run in my Pain in da A$$ deck. check it out if you like and comment. You need Iona shield of Emeria, Painter's Servant, and buried alive or Entomb is better. Play Painters servant entomb Iona and bring her out with dance of the dead or whatever and you can stop your opponents from playing spells on the 2nd turn. You'll need some dark rituals to be able to get her out on the 2nd turn tho
4 rest for the weary
thrun the last troll
This is just to play with against my friends that's why i play with the tutors
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