
0 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

You have a collection of strong cards, and I'm no expert, but a couple of things spring to mind.

To exploit blood artist to the full, do you not need to include more cards where creatures are sacrificed for a benefit ( in addition to the Aristocrat) e.g. fume spitter; bone splinter - , or creatures with undying such as Geralf's messenger. As its stands here, it feels under-exploited.

And as for Entreat the Angels....would this card not fit better in a deck that gave you much greater drawing power. And if you get it in your opening hand, it could be a very long time before you have the mana to cast it effectively, given the three white mana needed. Even the miracle cost could be demanding.

My suggestion would be to focus on just two colours. There are plenty of deck archetypes out there to use as a starting points e.g. BW tokens / BR vamps / miracles to consider. As it stands it looks like a collection of individually potent cards, but without much of a coherent theme or strategy.

I'm sure others could give you some further ideas.

Posted 20 July 2012 at 21:03 as a comment on My Oreo deck


I am currently assembling a deck with some of your suggestions, but with ways to punch through damage. Help comes from Whispersilk Cloak and Mother of Runes. Will let you know how it goes after playtesting.

Posted 18 July 2012 at 21:48 as a comment on Why you no attack?


I like this idea. I have been trying something a bit similar in RW combo. To be honest, it's been so-so at best. My idea was to use white for defense/removal, throw in some burn and wait for some big RW angels to hit the board. I'm interested to know whether you have play tested this deck and how it wins.

I'm with PhantomVoice on this. What are your win conditions ? Isn't the most likely outcome that you end up holding off an increasing tide of your opponent's creatures. Then if you play a fattie, either it gets hit by removal, or you face a wall of blockers that you can't punch through/over.

Is there not a case for some board wipe ? How are you going to deal your damage ? Is your idea to snip away gradually at your opponent, defending as you go ?

Oh, by the way - nice sideboard might be...Magus of the Moat

Posted 18 July 2012 at 13:09 as a comment on Why you no attack?
