
8 Decks, 6 Comments, 1 Reputation

I agree. You need it. You can turn the tide and make it go from a 10 win to a 7 turn win.

Posted 19 June 2013 at 15:55 in reply to #367483 on Maze's End


I agree. You need it. You can turn the tide and make it go from a 10 win to a 7 turn win.

Posted 19 June 2013 at 15:51 in reply to #367520 on Maze's End


why? you can use them to pull gates from your deck?

Posted 18 June 2013 at 15:51 in reply to #367520 on Maze's End


Ok, I see some issues with this deck. You have no population cards so why have deliverance? You are favoring green a little too much for the draw. Try using negate or and creature removal. I've got a maze's end deck and tI've won 2 FNM with it so far.

Posted 18 June 2013 at 02:01 as a comment on Maze's End


Problem. You are allowing your opponent to gain ALOT of life without the right cards to counteract your creater abilities. I like the ability to bring back your creatures, but the cost is REALLY HIGH! You can try to focus on taking life, giving life (then having the right sorecery cards to take it away. Just modify it slightly.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 18:37 as a comment on bw


um.... thisis not legal in modern or standard....

Posted 25 March 2013 at 18:29 as a comment on Sex Appeal (Good Girls)
