The deck I played is stronger, but this is an interesting alternative.
This actually wasn't the deck I played in the PTQ, but another deck which I realized could have been made with my pool after the tournament. This is the deck I played: The sideboard shows the rest of the pool.
Your curve is a bit high, which can be a weakness against decks with smoother ones. Ideally you want to have a greater concentration of low-mid range casting cost cards so that you can be impacting the game on each turn from the beginning rather than having to wait until turn 4+ to do anything. You have 4 2-mana spells, and 3 3-mana spells, with which to cast on respective turns, which is a little low. Another reason for curving like this is to prevent from getting mana screwed. For example, if you get stuck on 3 lands for a few turns, you might have no plays and get slaughtered by your opponent, or in any case get put at a disadvantage if they keep making plays while you don't.
The problem with a combination of trinket mage and 1 non-Colossus artifact along with master's call / inkmoth nexus in my mind is that in games where you don't draw the chalice or a trinket mage, the chance of hitting a Colossus off shape anew is only 66%, rather than 100% guaranteed. Thus, I think it is better to focus on either a stoneforge mystic / trinket mage or master's call / inkmoth nexus build, but not a combination of both.
Interesting idea using a 0cc artifact over Darksteel Axe, which is what most amateur lists have at the moment. You can avoid the hand disruption cards like Duress and Inquisition which make the Axe easy to remove. As you said yourself, however, you are still weak to countermagic, as a control player can easily counter the Shield or the Shape Anew. Another thing to note is that the Shield is susceptible to all artifact destruction spells (i.e. nature's claim, crush, shatter, etc.), whereas the Axe negates them all.
You should mention that this deck was designed by Jacob Van Lunen and discussed in his recent DailyMTG article: