Thanks man! Sorry for a little bit late answer, you know Christmas, New year and stuff. I'll definitely update the deck and check the websites. I have NorthernWarlord in subscriptions, he was one of the inspirations that led me here. :)
EDIT2: Check the decklist.
Yeah, I saw them, beast within especially was pretty tempting, but then I decided to take Terastodon.1. Its a big hitter and I need big hitters.2. the effect is pretty cool, even if it does not affect creatures it awesome!3. You can always get rid of elephants with lightning bolts or with terastodon itself.Beast within is pretty ok, but it does not give you solution to kill the 3/3 since in third turn you are usually dead against infect. Acidic slime is pretty damn expensive for what it does. I would rather kill it with fire(lightning bolt) or Chandra. Btw. a bit of damage to me isnt really worrying me as I can get rid of it after I destroy mana source which can buff him more than he is.Thanks for your suggestion! :)Edit: Added 2 beast within instead of blood moon.
hmm, not bad, I especially like his unearth ability. Thanks for suggestions. :)
oh, ok then, didn't notice it. :) I'm just lookng for the decks only, not for the desrlcription. ;)
Lightning bolt instead of lightning strike. That's my advice. :)
I'm sorry for this chaos.
That's for sure. :) Iam usually getting all cards I need by online shops.
I've calculated how much will it cost in our currency.3 571,85 CZKIf I will have luck this year, I'll make this money in about a month. :)
Czech Republic---Yeah I think I'll buy some of them at least, but first I need to have my deck prepared for play, so I will know what I have to buy.
this is still pretty pricy in my country as I checked shops, but ok... Is there any cheaper suggestion? What do you think?---Fetch lands aren't bad idea, but Iam 15 and my money budget isn't that good even when Iam doing some work, but yeah I will get them in future. :)
It's just our local tournament, nothing official, just about 10 guys. But still, there are some prices etc. And nearly all of us are new to Magic(about one year). So yeah, I know that fact. :D
nonono, it's good, Im building this one into normal deck because in pauper this one was brutal and next tournament is in modern. So yeah, I want cheap and efficient deck. :)
Let's see...---I just have to say you, that this is just upgrading the deck that I have, so I can't really test all these improvements before I get all cards needed.
hmm, interesting ideas. Thanks guys! :)
We need some Render Silent to control the angry mob! :DGr8 job m8! Laughed so hard. :D
sounds good, the problem is, that this is a pauper
yeah, that ball lightning sounds pretty brutal...
yeah, but I need commonsbut I mostly agree with you
i think that would just waste the landfall combo
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