+1, swapped guildgate for temple of abandon and charm for magma jet for possible domri rade combo (obviously this isnt with the low budget in mind just some fine tuning w/ extra cash). Also made a sideboard of electrickery, fog, charm, and domri (debating swapping fog for vandalblast or naturalize) criticisms/comments on the sidedeck are welcomed. Other than that, wish I could +2 this deck, love it.
Mesmeric orb is boss but the only problem with it is that i created this deck to be visually appealing(why im running deprive instead of daze), since most of my competitive decks are well...lacking in that department. I do like palace in the clouds and will try it out :) (will just have to remember to keep a mana open for wasteland situations)
thanks, took your advice and got parallel results in goldfishing with the benefit of knowing if they can prevent the play/removing their FoW or causing them to waste it on a spare diabolic intent. +1(now i just gotta buy the changed cards)
i do have this http://www.mtgvault.com/erowid/decks/black-storm-legacy/ version, which is less consistent and am still trying to decide on the cruel bargain or nights whisper, but it is legacy legal.
I come from a different tcg background than most magic players - where the goal is strictly the win. I would never use this against friends unless i wanted to lose friends, since thats not magic's theme. I simply saw a guy using a similar deck and modified it by replacing 5 of the cards to up the chances of turn 1 win. All i can say is, if you don't approve of it - don't use it.
description says unlimited? aka casual
bought the deck w/ just basic lands arrives tomorrow, read some comments to see if there were ways to improve - holy shizer these people are critical - props to you for keepin a cool head and postin a cool deck (was originally looking for the deck out version but stumbled on yours first, pref it over the other)
anybody? o.o