Brilliant Merfolk deck!
Quicken with Supreme Verdict.
Congrats Northy, I am ecstatic that you have as much fun making the deck as ever. I going to ask you for tribal Merfolks.
Living Death would also really help.
Dragonmaster Outcast should be in the deck.
Could you make a Kamahl, Pit Figther EDH deck Northy, Please.
Instead of Reckless Abandon how about Goblin Grenade.
Can you look at my new deck Northy?
Very nice deck.
You could throw in Treasure Cruise.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the advice.
I missing 8 card lol.
Can you make a custom Esper EDH that is budget? Can you also look at my decks I make.
Nice esper deck.
I really like the meanness of this deck.
Thank you.
Northy, Can you make an Esper vs. Bant budget decks?
Northy very nice work on this work this deck I am going use this in real life if you do not mind.
I need help making this more efficient.